
Make Your Quarantine Days Creative! 6 creative ways to renew your quarantine routine Why don’t we DFH? - Design From Home

Creative Gaga

Let us take a break from workout videos, Instagram challenges, and endless boredom, shall we? Why not collect all the negativity from the newspaper and television and throw it out of the window!

Because we have gathered the most creative and artsy ideas for your quarantine days and the best part is that all the materials are already present in your house. ('Cause we don't want the police to catch you outside!)

So, grab your pencils, diaries, old clothes, and a hand-sanitizer, of course.

01. Start a Journal and Make it Stylish!

Things You Need: A Notepad and Pen

Firstly, kudos to everyone who is contributing to household chores, working from home and following all the government rules. Why don't you pen down your experiences? However scary this time might be, you're going to have endless stories and learnings that are worth documenting. We're sure that your #QuaratineDiaries is going to be a massive hit amongst your grandchildren in the
To make the journal even more engaging and interesting, you can revamp your handwriting and lettering style as done by Tobias Saul, a freelance designer from Germany.

An article by Tobias Saul

02. Eat-sleep-doodle-repeat:

Things You Need: Sketchbook, Pens/Pencils, Colours, Softwares and Some Good Music

You finally have the time to stay at home and create art as you like. From making watercolour drawings to charcoal paintings to quirky doodles, there are endless options and inspirations around you. Some platforms being Pinterest, Instagram, and even Creative Gaga!
Let your creative juices flow one sketch at a time.

• Have a look at this step by step tutorial to make an engaging portrait by ace illustrator Shesh Kiran.

Tutorial by Shesh Kiran

• The inspiring story of artist Shital Verma who uses his ball pen and paper to create magic!

An Article by Shital Verma

• You can even make portraits on your smart phones!

An Article by Miten Lapsiya

• Pencil artist Aakash Ramesh explains the methodology of creating the perfect portrait.

Detailed Tutorial by Aakash Ramesh

Apart from the above stories, check out the 'articles' and 'inspirations' section on Creative Gaga for abundant creativity, artists, tips and tricks and much more!

03. Paper Art (Origami, Quilling and More):

Things You Need: Paper and Glue (Maybe some YouTube tutorials as well)

The world of origami and paper quilling is beautiful. The process folding paper differently each time can create art. How cool is that! Of one the simplest and intricate techniques yield the most pleasing and imaginative results. Origami also helps one by developing hand-eye coordination, and increasing memory, attention, and patience. Need of the hour, right?
• Some intricate and beautiful artwork by Pippa Dyrlaga, are amazing examples of the wonders that can be achieved by paper.

Article by Pippa Dyrlaga

• A paper quilling artist from Mumbai, Sabeena Karnik, uses different pops of colour, varied designs and minute detailing to bring the best from paper alone. Check out her work on instagram!

• Some more artists that have aced the techniques of using paper creatively are Parth KothekarSachin George Sebastian and Hari & Deepti. Follow and stalk them endlessly for inspiration!

04. Online courses:

Things You Need: The Internet and good quality WIFI!

Go back to being a student and put your learning cap on. With websites like Coursera, Udemy and Skillshare offering free and paid online courses, you have endless options (and time) to upgrade your skills. This is one of the best ways to put your internet to use and keep exploring.

Some extremely unique courses, that will unlock a new level of creativity in your mind!
• Visual Journaling: Drawing Your Feelings

• Productivity for Designers: 11 Tips to Revamp Your Workflow with DKNG

05. Best Out of Waste!:

Things You Need: Old Junk at Home

We are sure that there are many things at your home that you don't need and are of no use! Artists around the world have managed to come up with innovative and interesting ideas to turn them into art! From recycling old newspapers to revamping showpieces, the ideas are innumerable.
Some artists and groups that are doing their best to reduce waste and turn them into something fun are 'Bare Necessities' and 'Style Inked'. While Bare Necessities offers online courses. Follow them now and convince your mom not throw away old and weathered materials!

06. Re-design Your Old Clothes:

Things You Need: Old clothes, Colours, Sewing Kit, and your Mom's Permission

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