Arshad Sayyed
Arshad Sayyed 

How Pandemic has Changed Your Life?

On the personal front, 'Quarantine Time' has turned into 'Quality time with my family' which is very surreal. Bucket list, box cricket, home decoration, hobbies have become the discussion points on the dining table. Not only this, but I have also become the ultimate master chef in the kitchen.

However, this surely gives you an eerie feeling when you step out of the house to buy groceries and find silent streets, no children playing, no more groups of college students on couples strolling. And not to forget the biggest blessing in disguise is the gift on mother nature which is on her healing course. The much-underrated hand sanitizer has become the talk of the town.


The 'Work From Home' culture has become the new cool. WhatsApp, FaceTime & Zoom is dominating the once serious conference room. Online classes and payments with less personal contact are making us entirely tech dependant. Future upcoming offices might start using the 'six feet concept' where working desks will be kept six feet apart reminding people to distance themselves. Also, hand sanitizing stations and lesser full-time workforce will become a compulsion.


Whether this is a paradigm shift or just a passing phase is uncertain for now. I would like to collect whatever good we receive from this pandemic and put to use. Hence a lesson well learn. Remember we are all in this together! WE ARE CHANGE.

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