
Weaving the Childhood Stories!

Saara, a talent from Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, found solace in art, embracing her lifelong love for drawing. Evolving from traditional portraits to character design and children’s illustrations, she discovered her niche in storytelling through visuals. Crafting age-specific illustrations, she engages toddlers with simple shapes and older children with detailed narratives, using expressions as her narrative thread.

Inspired by genuine observations of children, her expressive characters mirror genuine emotions. While primarily digital, Saara avidly explores traditional techniques like watercolours, enhancing her creative arsenal. Her art emanates from a sheer passion for creation, translating feelings into whimsical worlds.

Seaside Fortune Teller A group of elders in Tamil Nadu providing palmistry readings at beaches.
Bubble Fun. A nostalgic depiction inspired by friendly competitions to blow the largest soap bubble among friends.
Little Journey. 90s Nostalgia, Moonlit scooter rides, a symbol of cherished memories, reminiscent of journeys to local shops.

Illustrations Changing Your Preconceived Notions about Beauty Standards

Captivating Audiences through Motion!

A Showcase of Creative Evolution in Graphic Design!

Kappiri Studio

The Future of Design Collaboration!