Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana 

Buy In India - A Minimalistic Poster Series

Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana

Project: The self-initiated project aims to touch a key social issue, begging. Buy local, buy Indian to encourage hard work and curb begging. The posters are a direct reflection of the hustle of these people and their unique wares.

Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana

Concept: Colourful characters at an Indian signal are captured in minimalistic posters. True to their real life counterparts the art is just as loud and expressive.

Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana

Outcome: As an attempt to further the sales of traffic signal businessmen, Arjun has designed these vivid posters.

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