Landscape Photography Tips from Ron Kahlon!

Landscape Photography Tips, From mountains to rivers and deserts to seas, the beauty that nature presents before us is mesmerising. At times jaw-dropping and other times breathtaking, landscape photographer Ron Kahlon shows us how he captures the most photogenic model in the world – Mother Earth.
Mount Cook
Mount Cook
Church of Good Shepherd
Church of Good Shepherd

Capture Varying Attitudes Of Longitudes And Latitudes.

Landscape photography is a great way to bring the world to people. Many wishes to travel, however, it's only a hand few that are able to travel extensively to see the world for what it is. Capturing the Earth in its pure and natural form is surprising for the audience because there will always be something they would never have seen. Like a shipwreck by the side of the beach or a melting glacier that's constantly moving at 4cm/s. There are so many costumes the Earth likes to flaunt; whether it's creased mountains to glittering waves, there is never a landscape photo that will look the same.

One Tree Hill
One Tree Hill
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House

A Patient Eye Makes One Go My My!

One of the greatest virtues of a landscape photographer is patience. The patience to wait for the clouds to clear to reveal the sun-kissed mountain top or to wait for the moment when the pastels in the sky are just right at sunset. Nature is forever changing its poses, giving you surprising shots to capture. Once in the wild, you can't plan. It can start to rain or you'll have a flat tyre. It's all about timing. For example, if you're clicking Mount Cook in New Zealand, you need to spend several hours trying to get the best shot. And you need to do that every day, till you're satisfied you've got a shot that captures the landscape with a dramatic story. You need to change the way you look at the subject It's a wrap then.

Wanaka Tree
Wanaka Tree

It's Like A Picture Book.

The composition is probably one of the most critical factors in landscape photography. You don't just capture a tree but the tree in its surroundings. That's how the story happens. One can use composition techniques like rule of thirds, leading lines and even patterns to capture nature's plot. Timing, especially capturing landscapes during the golden hour helps establish drama and character

Lake Ohau
Lake Ohau
Fox Glacier
Fox Glacier

Get Into The Right Gear.

Landscape Photography Tips, utilises great skill of the photographer and the camera as well. Using professional full-frame DSLR with a 16-35mm wide angle lens is one great way to start a photography journey. Using low ISO ranging between 100-300 and a small aperture between F9-F16 during daytime is one way to get apt images. For nights, using an ISO of around 800 is ideal. Focusing manually via the live view of the scale on the lens on hyperfocal distance and not focusing on optical infinity is one way to go as well. Photography techniques like applying focus stacking or vertical panorama (refocusing in different frames) are also some ways to enhance the landscape experience. For instances where the land is dark, it's best to expose the land separately and then merge it with the background using Mask in Photoshop.

Woody Point Shipwreck
Woody Point Shipwreck
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