Landor & Fitch Unveils New Identity: Meet LANDOR!

Discover the evolution of Landor & Fitch as it unveils a dynamic new identity, now known simply as Landor.
Landor & Fitch Unveils New Identity: Meet LANDOR!

Landor & Fitch, a well-known brand specialist, recently underwent a rebranding process and is now known as Landor. This move is a reflection of the company's dynamic identity, which includes visual, verbal, sonic, and motion elements, as well as a sophisticated serif wordmark. The new approach is similar to that of Mullen Lowe. The industry demands that brands have more dimensionality, and Landor is leading the way in creating a fresh and adaptable era.

Typography Takes Center Stage:

Landor's evolution is not just limited to aesthetics but also extends to the realm of typography. Recently, Landor introduced its new typeface called Landor Sans. This elegant grotesque has been developed by its custom type studio based in Milan. The Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of Landor, Teemu Suviala, highlights the strategic investment in typography. This has been an ongoing effort for the past five years and has positioned Landor as a trendsetter in contemporary design.

Comprehensive Brand Solutions for the Omnipresent Era:

As brands become omnipresent in the digital landscape, Landor recognizes the need for comprehensive solutions that extend beyond conventional brand consultancy. Teemu emphasizes the agency's commitment to managing and measuring every facet of a brand, strategically positioning it for long-term success. The acquisition of sonic specialists Amp and the collaboration with experts like BDG and ManvsMachine demonstrate Landor's dedication to offering multi-faceted brand solutions.

Artistic Inspiration and Core Identity:

The updated Landor brand takes inspiration from water, which reflects the agency's origin story when its founder, Walter Landor, came up with the idea for the company on a ferry boat in San Francisco harbor. The new primary colour, ultramarine, is a nod to the agency's history, as it represents a rare pigment that was imported during the Renaissance period. The wordmark's choice of serif adds a touch of seriousness and playfulness, which sets Landor apart in a world where sans-serif logos are dominant.

Adapting to a Changing Landscape:

Landor's strategic evolution is in line with the changing expectations of brands in the digital age. The agency recognizes that brands need to engage all senses and flow seamlessly through various channels, including videos. The inclusion of technology, particularly AI, is seen as a fundamental driver of future capabilities.

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