A Dose of Architecture & Interior Design Inspiration #15

A Dose of Architecture & Interior Design Inspiration #15

We go through many interesting design projects each day and find them inspiring enough to be shared further. Projects which have the potential to inspire and spark multiple ideas. So, here are few selected Architecture & Interior Design projects for this week's inspiration, enjoy!

Artistic Abode by Shabnam Gupta

Project Maya Somaiya Library by sP+a

Project Mosque of Light by Nuru Karim, related article 'Bring a Change Through Architectural Structures'

Designed by A2SM Architects, photography by Vaidotas Darulis

Art Inspired Home by Shabnam Gupta

If you have any of your Architecture and Interior Design project or someone else's, which is equally inspiring for fellow creatives, then share it with us on contribute@creativegaga.com

Creative Gaga