The Future of Web and App Design

The Founder and Design Director of Lollypop, Anil Reddy shares his views on how the future of Web & App design hold and how it has already started transforming designers into research and strategy-driven solution provider.
The Future of Web and App Design

In the last few years, we have witnessed an unprecedented craze for User Experience and User Interface Design. With the onset of newer design viewpoints such as Design Thinking, Human Centric Design and Interaction Design, UI UX Designers have evolved into solution providers. Their approach towards design is more research and strategy-driven, unlike the times when assumptions played a crucial role in defining the design of products.

The Changing Roles

When we specifically talk about web and app designing, they are no longer a standalone process. We are already seeing the concept of DesOps aka DesignOps being quickly adopted by design firms. Inspired by the culture of DevOps, this new design practice ensures a tighter integration between the design team and the engineering team.

It eliminates the silos among the teams and disciplines, enabling cross-functional working practices. As a result of this, the designers will wear multiple hats with cross-functional roles and responsibilities. The role of UX designer will expand to UX Researcher and Designer whereas that of UI Designers to Visual & Interaction Designer.

More Than Design

However, the biggest transformation according to me is the seamless blending of design with the technology. The next-generation technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Voice User Interface, connected devices, IoT, etc. are becoming part of our daily chores.

These technologies have necessitated design to become the driving force of product development, especially in delivering data to users to make an informed decision. The focus of design thinking is shifting towards delivering an elevated experience to users. Designers will be more concerned about helping an online buyer to get the best product than to just register a sale.

Art Is Integral

Lastly, the art is going to remain the basic foundation of your design if you want people to notice and spend more time with your product. Eye-catching illustrations and artworks are key to keeping your audience glued to your product. Along with adding an organic and realistic flavour to the apps, they make the websites look livelier

To conclude, the future of web/app design lies on how quickly you adopt the new principles of design. These principles are more about research and strategy today with user-centricity at the core. The ultimate goal of designing a website/app must be to deliver a delightful experience to users every time they visit your website or app.

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