Stories Embedded in Characters that you can Identify with

Characters and their stories are but reflections of imageries that surround us. No wonder then, a glance at any of them and we find a commonality. Freelance artist Devaki Neogi explains.
Stories Embedded in Characters that you can Identify with
2 min read

People's Actions Leads to Events

Even in real life, what human beings do lead to stories that define their lives. This is exactly what happens with characters in artworks too. Either these events influence the characters and make them the victim. Or, the characters influence the events and become the protagonist. Either way, the character and the event have an intimate connection. They influence each other and drive the plot of the whole story.

Style is an Instinctive Reaction

To the brief, that is. An artist's style emerges. After one understands the objective and visualises the plot, one decides the flavour, or an after taste of the story. That's the lead that helps in deciding what treatment is necessary for the theme or the artwork.

Freelancing is a Low-Risk Affair

Apart from the freedom and space that freelancing offers, it also helps you decide what's professionally best for you. As an illustrator you always collaborate and as a freelancer there is no one else making those decisions. Hence, the risk is far less. You only deliver for what you commit. This, in return, helps you specialise, experiment and build a network where the possibility of creating goodwill at your name becomes the greatest asset.

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