Quick Tips on Clicking Better Fashion Frames

Fashion Frames, photography blends commercial photography and fine arts. After you understand the communication objective, it is important to understand the role of different elements as well to fix the final frame. Fashion Photographer Omkar Chitnis shares few techniques and insights that help in getting a visually dynamic fashion frame.
Quick Tips on Clicking Better Fashion Frames

Choosing the Subject

The process starts with the subject. It can be a model, a product, a service, anything. The other elements should be used to support it. Magnification of the shot comes next. For example, if you are shooting for a clothing brand, you need to take a full-length shot. If you are shooting for makeup, you have to take a close-up shot. The background is a very important aspect of any picture. It enables you to complete the image.

Planning the Fashion Frames

Unlike Landscape photography, in Fashion Frames, you design a shot and accordingly go about models, magnification, poses, lighting, etc. The kind of lights, the distance at which they are placed, the shutter speed, the aperture etc. everything makes for the final frame. Keep in mind two key factors, the amount of light and the expected temperature of the image. Also, in the post-production, temperature and tones of the picture should be adjusted accordingly to justify the picture.

Choosing the Tone

There's a vast difference in lighting for colour and black&white images. While shooting in colour, tone and intensity of colours matter whereas in black&white, grayscale of the colours matter. Some tones may look interesting in colour but flat in black&white. So, as a photographer, understanding the grayscale of every colour is important. Thus, clothes, accessories, background and even the hair colour of the model matters in a black&white shoot. Capturing a frame in colour and then making it a black&white is a wrong technique

Setting the Context

Expression and attitude of the model is really important to make an impact. But since fashion photography is also about clothing, you need to ensure clothes are not getting blurred or losing the colours, details etc. Make up and model should compliment the clothes, the subject of the shoot. Keeping the lighting soft gives soft results, retaining the softness of the skin and expressions.

Creating the Mood

Sometimes, shooting in low shutter speed helps you create depth and mood, being helped by a little-blurred hair. Shooting men is different from shooting women. One should decide the look of the model – sexy, confident, soft or blunt. Lighting comes to play here. Generally, a bit of contrast works in men's shoot to enhance the sharp features. It's important to understand the anatomy, nature and character of the personality. When features are a bit blunt, bright lighting helps you enhance the features and hide the flaws. Similarly, high contrast lighting creates drama.

Shooting in the Open

Outdoor photography is a different task altogether. If you are using only sunlight, you will have to be very precise about the time, the angle of the light and the location. A study of the light source helps you a lot. Sometimes you can use sunlight as a key light and use flashlights or continuous lights to fill the excess shadows or vice verse. When you shoot in just sunlight, background matters a lot. Remember to not let it overpower the model at all. If need be, light up the natural background as well.

Adding the Elements

Many a times, the fabric on the model creates drama. Keeping the overall image dark makes it more interesting. And a blurred background creates a nice depth. Using backlight can create a nice dimension. Having a bit blurry foreground creates mood in the picture.

Presenting it Perfect

After selecting the final shot, colour correction is a very important step. Just a tinge of colour helps you create a different mood altogether. Cropping the picture is also an important part. While shooting you should know what to shoot, but you should also know what should be kept and done away with while editing.

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