Learn The Art of Tale-telling with Siddhi Ranade

Illustrator, Siddhi Ranade, takes us through his thought process and the key aspects that goes into the tale-telling through his illustrations/art. He, thereby, goes on to illuminate the various facets, such as geometry, colour and the nature of the subject; how they contribute to his work, and also why design needs to be time relevant in constantly modifying times.
Still A Debt to Pay
Still A Debt to Pay

Every Tool has a Crucial Role.

Geometry, patterns, and symmetry are assets that enhance a certain piece of work. They add to the simplicity and alignment of the illustration. It enables one with various combinations during the execution, Siddhi feels. 'Line', though, is the dominating factor for him to get to that exact line that expresses the true meaning of the illustration/art. The 'Colours' are next which help him add a mood to it in a more dramatic way that further dominates the existence of the artwork produced.

The Wait
The Wait
Still A Debt to Pay
Still A Debt to Pay

Colour Speaks More Than Words.

When Siddhi does portraits, he usually chooses to derive the colours from the life and experiences of his subjects. Through a brief exchange with the individual, he gets a tone of the colours from the way they talk and behave. "It's all an entire palette performing in front of me," he says, "All I have to do is just adjust it a little, and give justice to what I produce with respect to the subject. The colour gives individuality to the expression and the forms, narrating the best message of it.

The Day before Yesterday. Duo
The Day before Yesterday. Duo
Knowing - Unknowing. Talk to Me
Knowing - Unknowing. Talk to Me

Each Subject Varies as a Personality.

We all are made of nature. Every person is made of his own grid of life and experiences, embedded with thoughts. These various moods inspire Siddhi. As an illustrator, he likes to access this inner core and explore more of it. At times, he finds it hard, as the thoughts are a lot different than portraying the person; it is challenging to reflect him or her in the same way. While graphically redesigning the individual, the aspects of reality and the second nature he/she plays as an illustration/art need to be balanced with care. Tackling this becomes more of what he loves to do. That can be done in colours and textures, which add more to the subject.

Hiding the Other Half. Colours
Hiding the Other Half. Colours

Time Renews the Visual Tale.

Almost everything can be graphically illustrated and redesigned, but there is a need to reach to all those complex and tangled up expressions of real life that can be solved and enhanced in a minimalistic way. With a healthy visual bank, so as to find reference to the various aspects of life, as also to innovate, it is an integral part of a designer's life to modify and update as the industry needs. Hence, changing the visual output is the need of time. The content remains the same, though the expression and the visual impact changes, which is the exciting and beautiful part of tale-telling.

A Closed Door an Open Window
A Closed Door an Open Window
Creative Gaga