Traditional vs. Digital, Sides of The Same Coin

Traditional vs. digital; it's the debate of the century. According to young illustrator, Pavan Dashrath Rajurkar, both are winners. Believing that both are like sides of the same coin, he tells us why it's impossible to do without the other.
Traditional vs. Digital, Sides of The Same Coin

Knowing how to draw is most important.

Drawing is an art which will fade with time if one does not practice it regularly. It's important to constantly keep in touch with that skill because the mind is directly connected to the hands. Nothing can create something as raw as the hands. Tools are used for getting different outputs while one is drawing, and design software is simply one of those tools. One shouldn't feel any less if one does not know it.

Digitalisation adds another dimension to design, that's time.

Digitalisation is the need of today. It can't be ignored. It has enabled designers to increase output, where they can create multiple options in less time. Everything evolves with time and so has designed. Being a designer twenty years ago would mean facing greater difficulties in finding a platform and exposure as compared to today. In those days the process of artistic growth would have been really slow. We should make the most of the available sources.

Formal education sets in you a process that helps you approach your design.

It's what they teach in all schools- research the subject before you romance it. An artwork starts from collecting a brief about it. It gives one the understanding to be able to visualise in context. India's education doesn't introduce technology right at the beginning, fearing that students will become dependent on it and won't realise their own potential. A good example is how mental math is preferred over the use of a calculator in schools even today. Similarly, many designers today need a pencil and paper to sketch rough ideas and brainstorm. It's a healthy habit. Finally, when you have the basic structure and elements of your design, you can work with technology, imparting flexibility and variation to your design.

Inspirations are not all.

Not just Indian, but even international designers are drawn to seek inspirations from our rich history, mythological stories, beautiful architecture and mesmerizing illustration styles. Taking these things as a base, many creative experiments can be undertaken and few have and are taking place. But unfortunately, many talented folks in India fail to receive a good platform for their work. The unfortunate reality is that many artists are lost due to lack of exposure. Hopefully, we will see that change soon.

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