With an aim to create animated and live-action movies, Parth B. Vakharia is an artist with multiple talents who believes in exploring more art-styles rather than creating a niche. With a passion for storytelling, he makes sure his artworks reflect a story- be it funny, romantic, tragic, or contain a meaning. To master his skills, he used the time during the pandemic to work on the fundamentals of art like figure drawing and colour theories, studied film art master classes, and planned his future as an artist. Parth had a sole purpose during lockdown- develop professionally as a craftsman and personally as a creative human being.
Parth participated in the “Inktober” art series for which he created illustrations on the given topics and connected with American artists like Jake Parker. Along with being a teacher, he worked on numerous freelancing jobs straight out of college. He creates most of his artwork in Photoshop and traditional mediums like sketchbooks and ink. Interestingly, Parth finds his inspiration in the works of Todd McFarlane, an artist for Marvel Comics, and Gordan Ramsey, a world-class chef. Be it comics or food, he believes that everything is art!