Pose! Into his Modern Folklore

Though he is an illustrator professionally, Samir Narayan's creative anthem is threaded with folks picked from his observatory glasses, and stitched on the digital canvas in an interesting tale. Samir Narayan depicts the caricature of the everyday life of mango people. His powerful caliber is to place the characters of his illustration on a twisted frame of expressions to bring them alive and bring you joy among many other emotions. Enjoy this Folklorist expressing the urban turbulence of the modern century!
DurgaDestroyer of demons

Samir Narayan is an artist who has built his illustrated world out of all the bricks that life has thrown at him - a benevolent mind with a joyfully crafted personality mirroring his work! 

Born to a father whose occupation has been painting, Samir's talent is endowed with fraternal support, but with maternal loss. In his own words, "I truly came to life as an artist after I lost my mother. Having been under the weather emotionally and within an isolated state of mind, I only came closer to self-discovery during the lowest times in my life.

Having to follow in his own unique path in the world of digitalised art, Samir Narayan is quite grateful to his online admirers and is sincerely learning the way of illustrative technicalities.

When it comes to his signature element, Samir has a dedicated inclination towards expression. He sets to sketch characters whose expressions paint the story for their spectators. And, to bring his characters to life, he has a characteristic secret ingredient - Observe, Observe and Observe.


You capture City life through your art like nobody else. It acts as a crispy playful haze as opposing to the cruel realities of urban life. How are you so impeccable with your illustration in terms of creating these dimensions?

Samir :  I am an observer. Though being a pro-introspective individual, I am inspired by my surroundings. On a normal day, I can be found taking a walk around my city as a break from my work, and whatever movements I see around me become an art piece. I explore life intently, encompassing me and in the process, I capture the people being a part of the eternal circus of the world. My niche is not limited to urban life. I let my imagination take its flight in whichever space I can perceive a sense of definitive consciousness without any pretense.


Then, putting these observatory notes under the radar of illustrative poses and giving these characters their own set of peculiar emotions becomes the core task of any concept draft. The expression board of my artworks comes with layers of interpretive folds. I rejoice in giving these characters the quirkiness and jolting vibrancy to create a story in which they get to speak of their existence.


From a young lad from Kolkata seeking his place in the world, hooping through several adversities, how did you choose this career?

Samir: I have been in and out of various opportunities before becoming known as an art illustrator. From city modeling to juggling a full-time corporate artist’s routine, I have strived to keep my dreams alive. But the events took place after I lost my mother to Cancer. At the time of her illness, I was in Hyderabad. I resigned from my job and came back home to Kolkata.

DurgaA journey to Mars

After her demise, I found myself in a lonely state of mind. Although my father has been my greatest supporter throughout all these years, losing my mother took a hard toll on me. It was around this time that I took a break of around 7-8 months from pursuing any other job and began working on my illustrations, independently. 

I was basically on nocturnal mode all the time and kept burning the midnight oil incessantly. I had been participating in online competitions to sharpen my skills and test myself at a global level. This prominent phase of my life brought me a much larger recognition on different platforms, remarkably an overnight fame you may say for one of the artworks I created in this competition.

Saraswati Goddess
Saraswati Goddess

We are witnessing the indomitable era of Digitalisation that you are, undeniably, a part of. How do you perceive this phase of artistic development?

Samir: On the one hand, I perceive it positively. I am not absolutely dependent on the tools but technological indulgence has a great impact. If there had not have been a digital revolution, I would have been a traditional pen and paper artist, proudly. But digitalisation has helped in a way that is commendable. As an artist, I don’t compartmentalise myself in the hustle era of the current generation. Much of the appreciation I have received does not necessarily turn out to be monetary but I would not change a bit of this journey. I am happy doing the illustrations whether digital or not. 

Durga in front of devotees
Durga in front of devotees

As an artist, what is your deepest desire - the change you would want to see in the world of art?

Samir: I have been quite fortunate with Social Media reception but there is still one particular desire I have as an artist - a sort of craving; I am in search of an art community where artists from anywhere in the world can share their stories, knowledge and experiences without much of a hassle and fuss. I am aware of communities in existence (partially), but I am expecting an exclusive community with no boundaries of the art forms.

P.s.: I am old school by soul, so let me know when you find one! 

DurgaDistribution of holy water

What is your mantra to a balanced life as an artist?

Samir: In every professional opportunity that I am provided with, I always put forth singlemost proposition - creative space! I am strictly hesitant to lose myself within the predictable routine of life. My creative space is my source of survival as an artist and I would say, for all artists. I balance the projects I have undertaken through a job occasion with my own set of artistic disposition so that I stay connected with the work throughout the process.

City Life
City Life

Among all the illustrations, which is your favourite?

Samir: Kaka Babu - I am an aficionado of the Detective Mystery genre. Kaka Babu is the one character I created which brings the aura of inquisition to the table and I love it very much!

Kaka Babu
Kaka Babu
Creative Gaga