Let Your Imagination Loose for Surprising Artworks!

Let Your Imagination Loose for Surprising Artworks!

The real world is rich in experiences. But the one created by our imagination has greater possibilities. Inspired by the latter, Ishan Trivedi lets his brush loose when he goes on a fantasy drive to create captivating and surprising works.

At times, things that don't exist inspire you the most.

Artists inspired by fantasy usually create a world of their own through their work. It is like the window to the soul and mind. If one wants to create realistic art then photography is the best manifestation of the real world. But beauty lies in showing people what they have never seen before, or rather something they have never even imagined.

It's about crossing the horizons of imagination each time to discover something untouched and unseen. Artists are lucky today, in that, they don't belong to the Renaissance, Realism, Romanticism or Classicism era. Now is the era of experimentation.

Imagination has no rules

Ever wonder why most of us are amazed at a child's imagination? That's because it is unrestricted and free, because it follows no rules. In other words, it doesn't go through a reality check. Same works for a true artist. Because imagination takes you where no one has gone before, it is a strong base that an artist can use to take his work beyond the ordinary.

Imagination has no rules

Ever wonder why most of us are amazed at a child's imagination? That's because it is unrestricted and free, because it follows no rules. In other words, it doesn't go through a reality check. Same works for a true artist. Because imagination takes you where no one has gone before, it is a strong base that an artist can use to take his work beyond the ordinary.

Imagination is something very personal and one can't design according to the point of view of the audience. Successful art works the other way around. The art must be such that it gives the audience a totally new perspective.

Where there is a character, there is a story

When you imagine a character, you imagine it in a particular setting and context. Knowing the concept is important as it brings out the right characterisation. How else will you know who is the villain or the hero? Hence, story and character are never mutually exclusive; they are both present to complete each other .

Colours have a language of their own.

We may not realize it too often, but colours have been communicating with us for a long time. The 'Tiranga', for example, where each colour stands for something to make the flag meaningful. Colours have natural associations and psychological symbolism. The fact is that people feel comfortable when colours remind them of similar things. Like a shade of blue triggers associations with the sky and a psychological sense of calm and tranquility.

Owing to such importance that colours have for people, successful design requires an awareness of how and why colours communicate meanings. The point is, colours have acquired the ability to define any mood or contrast. Hence, a good sense of colour is important because it helps to define art physically in terms of shade, saturation, hue, tint etc. by giving it a deeper setting.

Light defines form and texture.

Otherwise, how do we know the difference between metal and glass? That's why, lighting and shading is an important tool for artists to give definition to objects and bring the differences out.

Sometimes, the colours of light and shade help create an illusion too. Such treatment also gives an overall mystical appeal to the work, making it look dreamy and fantasy-like.

Beauty is the best experience for the senses.

No doubt, an idea is very important for making any painting, sculpture or illustration. However, aesthetics is also as important. Because it is the perfect kind of knowledge that senses can experience. It is what people first take notice of.

In order to captivate the audience, an artist must beautifully present its final work. For that, an artist must ensure a lot many things. There must be a sense of balance, keeping in mind the proportions, colour combinations and arrangement of elements that give art its final aesthetic appeal.

Creative Gaga