Girl on Fire - Fiercely Hued Imagination of an Illustrator!

Girl on Fire - Fiercely Hued Imagination of an Illustrator!
4 min read

Read this interview about Anwesha Paul's work which is purely charismatic and filled with motifs that reflect upon her artistic evolution.

The Magic Window
The Magic Window

If given veto power, who would you pick as your bias - Emily Dickinson or Van Gogh? 

Anwesha. Van Gogh


From an ECE graduate to a remarkable freelance illustrator, what conspired you to take on this journey? 

Anwesha. From my early childhood days, I had loved drawing and was, always, fascinated by painting. So, I followed my passion and choose to be an artist.

Lets escape to the illusion
Lets escape to the illusion

Your first freelance project...can you take us back in time and show us how far you have come, since then?

Anwesha. My first freelance project was a sticker and the theme was 'save the planet'. Recently, I have worked with an architect studio as an illustrator and completed the whole creative design part.

Bhagat Singh Portrait
Bhagat Singh Portrait

Is it too soon to say that you have found your niche? How would you describe your illustration style in three words?

Anwesha. Yes, it is an ongoing process but I think I have a clear pattern to my art: Dynamic. Bold. Women.


From the lens of an art aficionado, what positive changes do you see in this digital age when it comes to the consumption of artwork? 

Anwesha. Digitisation has made art more easily accessible to people. People are more aware and thoughtful about art nowadays.

Sad Bojack
Sad Bojack

You depict a layered character development of Indian women - women in leisure, yet women in power. Can you guide us to your "ideation hemisphere"? What is the source of inspiration behind women-centric art?

Anwesha. It is deeply rooted in my upbringing. Indian women are always judged based on their behavior, dress, and even based on their skin colour.

So, if only women stand out for themselves and take bold steps to destroy the stereotypical culture rather than trying to be a perfect women that society would accept, then it would be a revolutionary act. This thought always inspires my art.

Jackal Wedding
Jackal Wedding

From a glance at your collaborative projects, it has "WOMEN" written all over them. You have a creative outlook on ethnic culture. Is women empowerment a conscious theme that you search for when looking for projects?

Anwesha. To simply answer, No. I don't actively look for it. It always revolves around my creations.

The Pride Series
The Pride Series

An artist always has to reinvent. Had Illustration not been into your "bigger" picture, which alternative profession would have been your choice? How would you have pursued and connected your love for art to an alternate field of work? 

Anwesha. I would have been an architect or a fashion designer.

Sudden Sadness
Sudden Sadness

A quick backstage trip - how does a client interaction, usually, go when hitting creative misinterpretation? Can you share one unbeatable hack for beginners on how to deal with circumstances when they are unable to connect their vision to the desired clients?

Anwesha. It is an absolute trial and error process with clients. So, there is no shame in making changes or enhancing modes of communication multiple times, based on the feedback, for the client.


A creative mind can act as a Pandora box, very often. Especially, with procrastination and expectation which comes naturally to our generation stuck to the blue screen. 

As a freelance illustrator, how do you conceive your balance in daily life?

Anwesha. There are those days when nothing works. But if I, really, have something to complete, then I make sure to go into the full “deadline“ mode and get it done.

The tale of a mermaid
The tale of a mermaid

What changes you have observed in your community, since the pandemic?  

Anwesha. I have noticed a lot of new-comers. People are following their passion now more than ever. It is always great to see new people following the passion or taking interest in art.

Words for Love
Words for Love

A final revelation - can you give us a quick glance to your incoming projects of 2023?

Anwesha. I will try more and more collaborative work with other artists and learn from them.

Creative Gaga