Having graduated from UAL Central Saint Martins in MA Character Animation, Bhavsar has obtained immense experience as an illustrator. Her self-driven artistic journey involves rigorous practice, unbridled curiosity and experimentation. Bhavsar’s expertise in art was carefully cultivated over the years by drawing from life and learning from the works of veteran artists.
01 Crayonish
The artist created this artwork during the quarantine to instil some positivity which is achieved through the clever use of colours. The variation in brush strokes adds depth and texture to the painting, thus bringing visual richness to the image, even as the sketch itself remains beautifully simple.
02 Overcoming
An illustration featuring the protagonist in red, standing tall against the cold, unforgiving expanse around her. The character’s size in relation to the background and the use of cooler colours narrates the emotional state and journey of the character in the image, thus amplifying the tone of the story.
03 Pillow fields
A digital artwork of unrealistically sized cotton plants. Through the use of vibrant pink and exaggeration, the artist has managed to evoke a sense of wonder and dreaminess in the painting. The overall pink tone also contributes to the softness of the piece while resembling mouth-watering cotton candy.