Colourful Illustrations of Everyday Life

Colourful eye-catching illustrations turn the other wise ordinary moments into something akin to magic. Priya Mistry shares secrets behind her art that illustrate her life.
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Minimal illustrations are the trend of the day. One can see them anywhere, from murals to posts on social media, minimal illustrations take up most of the art space today. However, these minimal illustrations require not-so-minimal effort since the entire artwork relies on composition and colour.

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“I try to convey specific atmospheres and moods in each of my illustrations and using the right palettes help get me most of the way there. I have one or two in mind before I work on a piece and will roughly block these out to see if they work,” says Priya Mistry, the UK based illustrator composing extraordinary pieces of bold illustrations

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Priya graduated from Bachelors in Animation from the University of Wales and proceeded to freelance for a wide range of studios, creating TV idents, animated children’s TV series, web banners and online games, explainer videos and branding projects to name a few.


These experiences helped her identify her interest and streamline her expertise thus gaining a flair for illustration. “And it was through these roles, I discovered that I enjoyed the illustration side of things the most. I started to work on personal projects that focused on illustration in my spare time. It took a few years of exploration but I eventually found and developed a personal style which I use in both client and self-initiated projects today,” explained Priya. Drawing inspiration from people and travel, Priya’s illustrations are a reflection of her rendezvous.

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“I deliberately choose not to record or draw these down at the time. Part of my process involves me recollecting these moments and I usually end up illustrating the ones that stay in mind.

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As humans our recollected memories are quite blurred and imprecise; often lacking detail and shrouded with emotions too. And my illustrations will share these same‘ qualities’ too. They’re memories or a blend of them, coupled with the frame of mind that I remember being in at that point intime,” she said.

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Priya’s work has a unique style to it. Though the illustrations appear vector, they are either done on raster-based software such as Photoshop and Procreate or on traditional mediums such as Acrylic “I went through an exploratory phase a few years back, trying to achieve a textured and analogue feel through digital means. I was never quite satisfied with the results so I knew I had to try out traditional media at some point.

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Inktober felt like a perfect opportunity to give this a go, so I gave it a go with Posca markers in 2017. I instantly fell in love with the process and how it forced me to think more about the marks made on a page, as well as the beautiful textures that resulted. I noticed a personal style had begun to emerge in the midst of it,” elaborated the artist.


The artist places a strong emphasis on the importance of composition and colour in this style. In order to perfect the composition, Priya begins by planning the artwork.

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“Before I even begin to work up my illustrations ‘neatly’, I spend quite a bit of time planning them I’ll work and rework the figures, composition, shape language, values and colour palettes in thumbnail form until I feel that the illustration captures the mood and story that I want to tell. These elements are essential tools you can manipulate and use to effectively communicate your ideas and stories, ”Priya explains. “I love bold, striking compositions often seen in abstract art, graphic design and zoom lens photography.”

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Sharing her thoughts with aspiring artists, Priya encourages them to take regular breaks and spend their time doing something they love outside the screen. “Having a balanced life away from your craft is not only great for your mental and physical health, but it’ll also likely be the place where the inspiration for your next creative project will strike”

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