A Fusion Beat

Aman Rajwansh tells us about his own initiative of creating something that would draw the youth. Merging Indian and international characters with music as his natural line of display, producing artwork that fused the two.
A Fusion Beat
A Fusion Beat - Eminem Bhai
A Fusion Beat - Eminem Bhai
A Fusion Beat - Justin Nath Bieber
A Fusion Beat - Justin Nath Bieber

The Brief

The idea was to create something which would manage to attract and appeal to the youth or the young generation that is out there today. The desire in essence was to create a fusion between both art and music, considering that the young ones are so much into global music, especially with all the portable music technology that is available. Hence came the idea to showcase rappers and Hollywood singers as Desi versions, namely ‘Desi Kalakaar’.

A Fusion Beat - Ludacrisman
A Fusion Beat - Ludacrisman
A Fusion Beat - Pitbullinder Ji
A Fusion Beat - Pitbullinder Ji

The Concept

From the standpoint of conceptualising and then executing, it was a difficult task. Though, at the same time, it was also exciting. As a result, Usher Singh and Baba Drakeshwar came to life on the canvas, as also Justin Nath Beiber. The fundamental concept, importantly, was to create something which would ‘connect’ with the youth, and to which they would be able to relate. The design and artwork was intended to be the medium for that connection throughout the series, using symbols, sub-cultural imagery, subtle colours of vibrant tone, and the likes.

A Fusion Beat - Enriquedeep
A Fusion Beat - Enriquedeep
A Fusion Beat - Chris Brown
A Fusion Beat - Chris Brown
A Fusion Beat - Usher Singh
A Fusion Beat - Usher Singh

The Solution

The exposure of western culture in India has brought the best of both worlds. The fusion of western and Indian music has been amazing, as in coke studio, for example. Similarly this art has played a big role in bringing both these cultures closer, and the influence has brought some interesting art pieces. Fusion is often a great way to understand and appreciate each others’ culture.

A Fusion Beat - Rick Ross Gula
A Fusion Beat - Rick Ross Gula
A Fusion Beat - Baba Snoop Lal
A Fusion Beat - Baba Snoop Lal

Contributed by:

A Fusion Beat
Aman Rajwansh
Creative Gaga