Buy In India - A Minimalistic Poster Series

Exploring his sense of design right from childhood in his family tailoring business, Arjun Makwana went on to complete his BFA from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda. On his way to work at Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai, he observes businessmen selling their wares at traffic signals. This daily routine and the multifaceted characters inspired him to create a series of minimalistic posters showcasing his skills as a graphic designer.
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana

Project: The self-initiated project aims to touch a key social issue, begging. Buy local, buy Indian to encourage hard work and curb begging. The posters are a direct reflection of the hustle of these people and their unique wares.

Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana

Concept: Colourful characters at an Indian signal are captured in minimalistic posters. True to their real life counterparts the art is just as loud and expressive.

Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana
Buy in India - Arjun Makwana

Outcome: As an attempt to further the sales of traffic signal businessmen, Arjun has designed these vivid posters.

Creative Gaga