A universe of Monochromes

‘Every being is a universe in himself. Each person is limitless, as long he believes that he can achieve anything he put his mind to...’ says Ankita Shinde, whose concept based Inktober project turned into much more!
You are the universe Bloom from within
You are the universe Bloom from within
You are the universe Bloom together
You are the universe Bloom together
You are the universe Dive within
You are the universe Dive within

The Brief.

‘Every being is a universe in himself. Each person is limitless, as long he believes that he can achieve anything he put his mind to...’ says Ankita Shinde, whose concept based Inktober project turned into much more!

You are the universe Driver, not a passenger
You are the universe Driver, not a passenger
You are the universe  Inner Realm
You are the universe Inner Realm
You are the universe Hair full of stories
You are the universe Hair full of stories
You are the universe Whirlwind
You are the universe Whirlwind

The Concept.

This entire project is about each person believing in themselves, their power and ability to do anything that they wish to. to be a passenger in life when we can experience the adventure of being the driver.

You are the universe You are always there for you
You are the universe You are always there for you
You are the universe Than and that
You are the universe Than and that

The Outcome.

Using black markers & white gel pen on paper, Ankita combined art, science, philosophy thereby generating a series as an attempt to empower every individual. If nothing else, then to at least start a conversation about the magic that we all are. She hopes to carry forward this project through poetry, animations and audio clips for an all round experience.

Creative Gaga