The Design Rationale of Panini Pandey

A key factor to be successful is clarity on the path forward. Panini Pandey, a New York based visual artist seems to have all that and more. He explains his process, his thoughts on design principles, and the importance of a rationale while designing.
Kendrick Lamar Voice Over Motion Graphics.
Kendrick Lamar Voice Over Motion Graphics.
Kendrick Lamar Voice Over Motion Graphics
Kendrick Lamar Voice Over Motion Graphics

A key factor to be successful is clarity on the path forward. Panini Pandey, a New York based visual artist seems to have all that and more. He explains his process, his thoughts on design principles, and the importance of a rationale while designing.

Kendrick Lamar Voice Over Motion Graphics
Kendrick Lamar Voice Over Motion Graphics

Panini's journey of being a visual artist began at the end of his last academic year of school, when he decided to stick with design. Also his uncle, who was the first person from his family to enter the field of advertising, became the primary influence who got him interested in digital design.

Panini thoroughly enjoys problem solving and loves working on identity system designs besides UI/UX. He recently developed an interest in film-making and intends to pursue music video direction and artist branding, without completely giving up UI/UX.

While talking about the key aspects for designing for a brand, Panini believes the design rationale is extremely important.

In order to give a visual identity to an idea, its vital to understand the brand thoroughly and balance the business aspects with the emotional aspects, so that the design not only communicates to the targeted demographic, but also does justice to the tone and voice of the brand.

The Real MVP
The Real MVP

Before starting a project Panini likes to mind-map so he can come up with real ideas. He believes the first 10-15 ideas are on the surface and are possibly heavily influenced by something he has seen recently.

After he has sufficient key-words and material to start visual explorations. Although, at certain point, Panini likes to restrict himself with some rules to ensure he doesn't get too confused. Design must be functional, not just beautiful. Panini likes his designs to have a proper breakdown with rationale for each visual element.

Redesigning the Calendar
Redesigning the Calendar
Redesigning the Calendar
Redesigning the Calendar

To perfectly blend an image with type, Panini explains that the type must compliment the image visually and retain the tone in which the message needs to be communicated. Playing with positive and negative spaces of the image for type layouts, and taking inspiration from the shapes and forms (if there is a possibility) to choose the correct typeface, is a great approach.

Jungli Sher
Jungli Sher

Colours need to be chosen carefully as well. Different colours trigger different emotions, so colour schemes have a direct impact on a narrative, the same way it works in movies - how cold and warm colours can completely change the way we look at movies. However, I like to keep accessibility in my mind too when I decide a colour schemes.

For Panini solving problems visually is the most exciting part about design. And as a visual artist, creative block is a challenge he needs to face on and off. He gets overwhelmed if he is too inspired, thus from the beginning he restricts himself to certain rules about what direction he wishes to explore further after the initial explorations.

Panini finds his everyday inspiration from Instagram and Muzli app on Google chrome. And believes reading case studies is the best way to stay on top of trends, as well as gain a better understanding of the rationale behind other's design in order to push unique ideas forward. Some trends saturate quickly because people follow them blindly and create aesthetically pleasing but non functional design.

Creative Gaga