Versatility and Having a Unique Point of View goes Hand in Hand!

Every designer develops a style, which can be seen through his or her work. No matter which medium you choose to work in, it is this unique point of view that gives an identity to the artwork. Shreya Gulati gives an insight into her versatility, bold and quirky work, and delves deep into the process that helps her achieve this style.
Versatility and Having a Unique Point of View goes Hand in Hand!
Valentine Day Promotion.
Valentine Day Promotion.

Deconstructing the Subject

Shreya enjoys fragmenting the illustration and having fun with each part as it allows her the freedom to create something different each time. Working on individual parts rather than the whole gives her the versatility, bold, clean and quirky style that is clearly visible in her illustrations. Bright colours, striking graphics and playful characteristics are synonymous with her style. She loves creating characters and building stories around them. Designing contains many permutations and combinations of applying art and problem-solving methodologies. The vastness and the limitless possibilities fascinate her and this lends very unconventional and experimental expressions to her designs.

Upstox Branding
Upstox Branding
Upstox Branding
Upstox Branding
Music For The Soul
Music For The Soul
Still from the Video ‘Coalition’
Still from the Video ‘Coalition’
Still from the Video ‘Financial Management’
Still from the Video ‘Financial Management’

Versatility is the Key

She does not believe in any one particular style but likes to experiment with different palettes, treatments and line work according to the subject matter. Not being bound by any precondition and taking the flexibility to explore different mediums and have fun with it makes her each piece unique. Moving effortlessly through mediums her versatile style of work has taken her through illustrating a children's book to designing an app for stock trading.

Pseudo Sapera
Pseudo Sapera

Inspiration from the Subconscious

Inspiration is not something that is acquired but it is the objects, visuals, words or anything that influences you and seeps into your memory. She draws inspiration from memory, sometimes by referring to her Tumblr dashboard which is constantly evolving as she travels and records the inspiring things that she sees around her. Sometimes she also refers to the artworks of the artists she adores. She loves drawing human forms, especially female, mostly not clothed. Human anatomy and sex are the two subjects she enjoys exploring the most.

Pop Stickers
Pop Stickers

Design is Therapeutic

She doesn't have a defined design process but lays emphasis on research and scavenges for information. Whether it is watching a movie, reading an article or a book everything influences her in some way or the other. At times, the trigger is found right away if not then she analyses the data thoroughly and doesn't stop till the cue is found. The solution lies in understanding the problem in-depth and drawing a clear brief. It is a sheer joy when your target consumer is happy with the product and you see your designs being accepted and becoming a part of your users. She enjoys designing thoroughly and finds it very healing and therapeutic.

Obot Character
Obot Character
Maharaja’s Welcome
Maharaja’s Welcome

Seeing Excellent Work Pushes

In the case of a creative burnout or when she feels creatively exhausted, she loves to surf the Internet to see some brilliant work. At times, images, visuals or powerful words that might not be directly connected but seem to have an impact, infuse great ideas. Being exposed to the great work being produced inspires and influences to push the bar further. Seeing good work inspires her but when she finds some extraordinary work it motivates her to push harder and work to achieve greater heights. The amazing and boundless world of design keeps unfolding in mysterious ways inspiring to work more and more.

Creative Gaga