The Beauty of Women Captured in Own Style

The beauty of women is pure and refreshing; every man would agree. Spanish illustrator, Gabriel Moreno, is no different. Charmed by the raw beauty and behaviour of the female form, his artworks capture them through graphic and elegant imagery to make a mark in advertising. He talks to us to tell us more.
The Beauty of Women Captured in Own Style

CG. Your illustrations and designs are very eye-catchy. How would you describe your style as?

Gabriel. I'd say my style is best described as based in the fine arts but with digital platforms in mind. When you grow up drawing, it just develops naturally. In some facets it's academic and in others it's personality. When I choose a subject, I envision whether it will go well with this style that I've developed, letting the style define itself.

Dirty Pink Beauty
Dirty Pink Beauty

CG. What came first, the desire to work as an illustrator or as an advertising professional? How did you marry both? What were/are your inspirations?

Gabriel. The desire to be an illustrator was always first. As far as how I married them, when you desire to work as an illustrator I believe it's like any other marriage. Sometimes you are on a high and sometimes you find the best way to stay together. Most of the time, the profession is completely fulfilling. Some days I'm more motivated to create than others. Therefore, I have my more artistic "hands-on" days and my less "hands-on" artistic days.


The inspirations depend on whether the work is commissioned or personal. If the work is commissioned, the inspiration comes from the subject matter provided by the agency and/or client. If the work is personal, the response is much easier.

The inspirations come from women. I've always watched women and how they move, their beauty, how they interact with the public, how they interact with themselves, and most importantly how to translate that beauty into my own work in a way that enlivens both them and the visions I have of them.

CG. Spain's a very cultural and exquisite country. What Spanish elements do you incorporate in your designs, if at all any? How do you tweak your designs and illustrations according to international brands/clients?

Gabriel. Well, I come from Spain. So, in essence, Spanish culture naturally comes out of me in many ways. I suppose I can say that many of the women that I draw are from Andalusia and others have Spanish traits. However, the main elements that I look for are the eyes and mouth.

Many women have beautiful features and it's just as easy for me to be intrigued by women from India, Italy, Greece, etc. I don't necessarily feel that any of my work portrays "Spanish" characteristics bounded in culture or a particular Spanish method of approaching art.

Regarding the international brands and clients, I adapt to the models given to me in order to professionally carry out the commission. There are always tweaks that need to be made to my style to correctly approach the subject matter. However, the style is the style. It deals more with how I want the visual aesthetic to turn out for the commission.


CG. What advice would you give to budding enthusiasts out there? What are your future goals and dreams that you wish to conquer?

Gabriel. I respond to this question by stating that you have to create a lot of work, and just keep creating. However, upon presenting your work in terms of achieving professional recognition, it's best to have those 25 works that show who you most are. They must be your best work and transmit what you'll bring to the art world. I have no dreams of conquering, I just wish to continue working in the illustration field for as long as possible.

Creative Gaga