An initiative by the Times of India group, sending out a social message of unity during the Ganesh festival in Mumbai.
An initiative by the Times of India group, sending out a social message of unity during the Ganesh festival in Mumbai.

How to Work in a Team and Still Maintain Your Unique Design Style?

Art is an expression of yourself, whether you work with a team or not, design is all about putting yourself out there. Thinking creatively, acting spontaneously and satisfying a wide spectrum is what Abhishek Sawant does and urges others to do. Here he talks on how to be part of a team while still maintaining own core self.
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An initiative by the Times of India group, sending out a social message of unity during the Ganesh festival in Mumbai.
An initiative by the Times of India group, sending out a social message of unity during the Ganesh festival in Mumbai.

Working in a team

Artists are best known for working alone; the brooding, silent type. However the same does not stand true for Abhishek Sawant who knows exactly how to be part of a group in order to deliver an innovative product. He believes that working individually allows the creative juices to flow, however working in an open board design environment promotes healthy competition, eventually leading to the evolution of design sensibility.

An ironic advert of rejecting the best names in football business for creating the perfect fantasy!
An ironic advert of rejecting the best names in football business for creating the perfect fantasy!
An ironic advert of rejecting the best names in football business for creating the perfect fantasy!
An ironic advert of rejecting the best names in football business for creating the perfect fantasy!

How can you make it?

Art is an expression of yourself; what you feel when you see a gorgeous sunset over the horizon or the inspiration from the world around us. Don't lower your expectations or under-estimate your calibre, for nobody knows what goes on within the head of the designer; all they understand is what comes out on paper. What will make you click is subject to individuality and Abhishek finds his way when he travels or discovers a solution in scribbles on blank sheets of paper. He urges you to be yourself; as that is something nobody can take away from you.

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New men’s product presentation created for client
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Dark humour used to depict the effect of thick soup
Dark humour used to depict the effect of thick soup

Now, don't lose yourself along the way

At one point in life everyone is faced with the doubt, 'What can I follow in order to succeed?' The answer is simple and it comes from within. There are no shortcuts to succeeding as an artist; all you have to do is be true to yourself and not bend before client briefs. Use them as a guideline but never lose yourself in the process. Detailed or minimalistic, enhanced human expressions or subtlety, monochromes or vivid hues; all of the basic design principles guide you and ultimately shape your work. Accolades will come and go; clients will do the same you have to live on with your brand identity so work on that first, others are sure to follow on.

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Advert for the popular brand Airtel celebrating the friendship
A monthly calendar art showcasing Indian festivals in vivid colours and strong graphics.
A monthly calendar art showcasing Indian festivals in vivid colours and strong graphics.

Make the group succeed

A team is as strong as the weakest link. While everyone is sure to put their best foot forward, the real challenge is to make everyone overcome the obstacles together and reach a point where the group and the client both are happy. Learning how to work with and for others can be what makes or breaks you, as individually brilliant artists also have to gel with others at some point in order to achieve their goals. Enthusiastic artists bursting with passion make confident partners who win Abbys.

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Watching your weight has never been easier with a visiting card which is a direct interpretation of the professional, a dietician.
Watching your weight
Watching your weight
Creative Gaga