Learn 8 Elementary Aspects of Good Product Design

If it was only about needs, everyone would be sitting in similar chairs and drinking coffee and wine in the similar glasses. Desires are just as important. And to make these two meet, a product needs to be balanced, following a rational process. Product design studio, 'Design Gandhi', founded by Hardik Gandhi, lists down eight basic elements whose combination ensures people are wooed by its beauty and surprised by its functionality.
Learn 8 Elementary Aspects of Good Product Design

1. Define, derive, delight

That's the process a product designer should follow to arrive at richly thought out designs and products that are just as ingenious as resourceful. Once you have thought of the idea, the next thing is to figure out how to manifest it. That requires a good understanding of material properties and their behavior in various contexts. What you have in the end is a tangible token of what used to be only an idea, something that makes the user smile and feel special.

2. Keep it less to achieve more

In today's cluttered and busy life, minimal designs can surely stand out. It's important to understand that a product is a simple solution to an everyday problem. And minimal in no way means boring. In fact, minimal is something that one won't ever get tired of seeing every day. In order to achieve that, you have to keep your designs colourful and dynamic, using appropriate materials and processes. That's how products with an uncluttered and effortless appeal become hot favorites as they reflect clarity of thought and idea.

3. Observe, observe and only observe

Getting ideas is no big deal if you have your senses open. Inspirations can come from almost anything around you. From a roadside 'jugaad' furniture to a tree to a flower petal, India is a beautiful source of ideas. Sometimes really insignificant objects are the most inspiring. As a designer, the next job is to transform them into something beautiful, and there you have your design.

4. Form and function go hand in hand

Marrying form and function might seem to be a tough part only if you consider them as two separates. The relationship between the two is not linear and one doesn't come before the other. They come together in the form of an idea, when you are thinking of something new. Design is art with a purpose. Therefore, holistic thinking is the key to an innovative idea. Well, that's also the difference between a designer and a decorator.

5. A canvas means opportunities

Space is a very important aspect of product design and you must ensure the product demonstrates the best utilization of space. Space is your context and also the content. As designers we should realize how people love it when a design manages to do a lot in less space.

6. It can do this, this and this! 

Multiple usage of a product is a fancy bonus for the consumers. So think of ideas and designs that can be re-arranged to cater to multiple wants. After all, who wouldn't be amazed at something that's a bookshelf, a stool and a great looking storage space? Remember, people like to be unique and that's why they buy things that are unique.

7. Show your funny side

Adding an element of humour in your designs helps create works that are more interactive, refreshing and young. Because you're not giving your design just a utility, but also an experience. Incorporate an element of fun in your designs and consider them sold.

8. It's common sense that's not so common

Product design is no rocket science that involves design fundamentals or elaborate researches. At the end of the day, you are also a consumer and a human. And it's common sense that helps generate newer ideas for spaces, thereby giving vent to intelligent creations.

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