5 Photography Tips to Make Your Occasion Special

The fashion photographer Sharon-Nayak lists down the essentials to capture those moments that make an occasion special.
5 Photography Tips to Make Your Occasion Special

01 Set the stage

Preparation is key to a good photo shoot. The authenticity of wedding costumes, background, and type of props being used, all add to the realism in the image. It is helpful to keep varied samples of expressions and body language references handy. Show them to the model in case they get stuck in getting the right expression. You never know where the motivation is going to come from.

02 Be ready for the occasion

Have a fair idea of the picture frame when you pull the shutter. But be open to experimenting with different angles and approaches. Never try to force a composition on your shoot. If something doesn't work, for instance hair, background or a prop, it should be changed or replaced. Bridal shoots, by nature, is a dynamic process. The right moment and frame can crop up from places you never imagined.

03 Light up the mood

Lighting plays an important part in capturing the right emotion and mood of the setting. Plan the kind of mood you would like to capture. Then experiment with the lights, playing with their intensity and angles. It will allow you to find the most interesting way of expressing the subject. For example, a more chiaroscuro effect sets the mood and create a beautiful play of warm earthy tones.

04 Read the lips

Bridal photography is all about capturing the unuttered thoughts. The expressions of the subject should talk about emotions that make us stare and connect. Each moment is a story that may talk about happiness, nervousness, bashfulness even awkwardness or any such emotion. Try to capture these moments without making it look staged.

Questions you should ask yourself before a click

  • Is the subject in focus?

  • Is the light creating the desired effect?

  • Is the subject interesting?

  • Is the image composed with balance?

  • Does the frame emphasize the subject?

05 Present it perfect

Treatment of the images holds a lot of importance. During postproduction, be ready to change tones, manipulate colour and composition and alter moods altogether. After all, what you present as the final frame is going to sum up all your thoughts and efforts.

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