Inspirations and Admirations

From the land of God, Kerala, Binod Kumar is an artist whose mind is filled with creativity as he spends his time and energy meticulously at home in quarantine.
Magical Hands.
Magical Hands.
2 min read

From finding inspiration in his dreams and nightmares to the commendable work did by the Kerala government to curb the spread of the Coronavirus, he developed his illustrations based on that.

With all the extra time on his hands, Binod redefined his techniques and styles and kick-started several tasks that were on hold due to lack of time and focus. Calling this the 'Ripple Effect', his positive attitude keeps him going which leads him to create amazing artworks. He believes that change is already here, with the world revamping and rebooting and is hopeful that everyone will come out of this stronger and better versions of themselves.

01 Magical Hands

A tribute to the Kerala government, police and doctors for their selflessness and care during the pandemic.

A Girl With Flowers
A Girl With Flowers

02 A Girl With Flowers

An illustration from Binod’s artwork series 'People with flowers', it showcases Binod’s love for flowers and nature.

03 Achan (Dad)

Reminiscing the long walks and endless conversations with this dad, at their fish farm, inspired this beautiful illustration.

Baby with Flowers
Baby with Flowers

04 Baby With Flowers

The combination of flowers and humans has been illustrated using Illustrator and Photoshop

Creative Gaga