The Sweet Symphony of Ziaho!

The Sweet Symphony of Ziaho!

Blending Joy and Delight: The Story Behind ZIAHO's Name.

Embark on a delectable journey with Stratedgy as we look into the fascinating tale of Ziaho, India’s delightful chocolate brand. Through meticulous strategy, thoughtful branding techniques, and a deep understanding of cultural nuances, Stratedgy Design transformed Ziaho into a vibrant symbol of joy and delight.

In this case study we will be exploring the behind-the-scenes process that shaped Ziaho's unique identity, from its name inspired by Sanskrit roots to its innovative packaging design and unified visual language.

Client: Ziaho
Requirements: Product & Brand Strategy, Positioning & Naming Convention, Identity and Packaging System.

What inspired the choice of the name "Ziaho" for a brand? How does the name reflect the essence or values of the brand?


The name "ZIAHO" comes from two Sanskrit words that mean "joy" and "delight." By putting together "ZI" for joy and "AHO" for delight, the name captures the happy feeling of eating chocolate. The phonetics of "ZIAHO" imbue the name with a sense of gravitas. As the brand aims to authentically champion the concept of Indian chocolate pairings on a global scale, Sanskrit provided a culturally relevant linguistic foundation. We believe the word ZIAHO would also be phonetically intuitive for international audiences, while proudly demonstrating its Indian roots.


What unique positioning does Ziaho aim to achieve in the market? And how does Ziaho differentiate itself from other brands in the chocolate industry?


In our modern world, Indian consumers have easy access to cultures and brands from around the globe. This accessibility has ignited a lively interest among Indians, who warmly welcome global brands that respect and highlight their cultural origins. Yet, amid this admiration for international influences, there's also a remarkable surge in pride for Indian culture.

ZIAHO embodies and celebrates the essence of the modern Indian spirit. It is a testament to the harmonious fusion of global adaptability and the unwavering celebration of our Indian heritage. Serving as a platform for modern Indians to embrace their identity, ZIAHO also champions the exceptional potential of Indian cocoa.

It stands tall as a symbol of India's prowess in the world of chocolate, showcasing how our homegrown chocolate pairings can stand alongside global brands without imitation. Rather than merely replicating what others have done, ZIAHO embraces India's unique strengths and weaves them into every delectable cacao creation. It is a tribute to our heritage, and our unparalleled diversity.

In a world where cultures converge and boundaries blur, ZIAHO not only satisfies chocolate cravings, but also nourishes our sense of self and belonging.


Could you elaborate on the strategic approach to incorporating India's linguistic diversity into the product presentation?


ZIAHO's narrative reflects the thriving diversity of India. With 22 languages, 14 scripts, and 19,560 dialects, India is a nation of rich linguistic and cultural differences. Each Indian script showcases distinctive letterforms that reflect its individual structure and visual expression.

ZIAHO is a brand of innovative chocolate pairings - using Indian Cacao paired with ingredients from various Indian states. The brand offers delectable pairings from across the country, ranging from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu.

We crafted a unified visual language by drawing inspiration from the scripts of the states where our ingredients originate. By recreating and incorporating these diverse letterforms, we've created a clutter-breaking, cohesive brand identity.


Can you share insights into the creative process behind developing Ziaho's brand identity? 


The ZIAHO identity system creates a multilingual framework that embraces the versatility of India. The logotype is bold and elegant, with high-contrast forms that uniquely position the brand within its category while also establishing its distinct presence.


The packaging design for Ziaho is described as having a three-act play. Can you share more about the design elements and their significance?


The three-act play symbolizes the art of savoring chocolate beyond mere consumption. Each act represents a distinct aspect of the chocolate experience: visual appeal, taste and texture, and the lingering aftertaste. By engaging all our senses, ZIAHO offers a more immersive and enjoyable chocolate experience.


What inspired the choice of colour palette for Ziaho, and how do they resonate with the brand's identity?


In developing ZIAHO's product architecture, we took a thoughtful approach to ensure that our various chocolate sub-ranges were seamlessly interconnected. Instead of treating them as isolated variations, we meticulously constructed an overarching color scheme that ties the entire range together.

Given our vibrant and colorful culture, our goal was to create a brand that prominently incorporates color into its design. The color scheme was carefully curated, considering the percentage of dark chocolate used. Consequently, our milk and dark chocolates display varying shades of brown, while the white chocolate presents beautiful muted tones derived from its ingredients.

The most captivating aspect of our color scheme lies in the striking deep hues we employed for our innovative ingredient pairings. This cohesive range blends together harmoniously while also distinguishing between the different sub-ranges.


Ziaho employs a unified visual language for Indian scripts. How was the decision made regarding the choice of typefaces to represent India's diverse scripts?


Each Indian script showcases distinctive letterforms that reflect its individual structure and visual expression. For ZIAHO, we recreated the letterforms to devise a unified visual language. Our focus was to maintain the legibility of the script while ensuring the overall integrity of our brand's visual system. This challenging yet gratifying process allowed us to create a typographical hero that truly represents the modern Indian spirit.


Can you share insights into the process of evolving the typography to represent the modern Indian spirit?


Indian scripts possess inherent calligraphic qualities, characterized by fluidity and movement in their letterforms. We have taken inspiration from these forms and reinterpreted them to create a type system that combines the essence of Indian scripts with minimal Nordic influences. Our approach involves using consistent stroke weights, clean neogeometric shapes, and ample counter spaces.

This seamless fusion of our diverse cultural heritage with reinterpreted global letterforms exemplifies the modern Indian aesthetic. It honours the rich legacy of Indian scripts while embracing a contemporary and forward-thinking design ethos.

Creative Gaga