Codesign Reveals the Liberating Transformation of Dixcy Scott's Brand Identity System!

Codesign shares their journey of creating the new brand identity system of Dixcy Scott that speaks to the changing and liberating aspirations of its target audience. Gear up for a behind the scenes look into how the new look of Dixcy Scott transpired.
Codesign Reveals the Liberating Transformation of Dixcy Scott's Brand Identity System!
Client: Dixcy Scott
Requirements: Brand Identity, Packaging Design System, On-product Application and Sub-brand Naming

The Brief

Dixcy Scott is one of India's largest innerwear and casual wear brands, offering style and quality at affordable prices. With renewed ambition for increased growth, differentiation and market relevance, Dixcy Scott initiated a complete brand transformation with Codesign leading brand identity design.

Codesign-Dixcy Scott
Codesign-Dixcy Scott

Key Requirements

  1. The Brand identity and assets must speak to changing and liberated aspirations

  2. Champion confident expression

  3. Evoke desire and trust among shoppers

  4. Have a premium look and feel

  5. Achieve high visibility in cluttered multibrand retail environments

  6. Create room for consistent adaptation for new product ranges and packaging formats

The Problem

The mass market men's innerwear category has long been plagued by a rigid and dated vision of overtly aggressive masculinity that fails to speak to changing and liberated aspirations.

In the past, men's inner wear in particular has been seen as a functional item with little space for flair or individual expression. In the absence of engaging brand storylines, a heavy dependence on celebrity brand endorsements has led to shallow and usually disjointed brand experiences.

The Strategy

A New View of Masculinity

Dixcy Scott's brand transformation is a reaction to newer views of masculinity emerging—one that champions confident expression and individual aspiration, and one that resonates with changing times.

The Approach

Always Bold. Always Active

The identity and its visual assets were created to represent a transition from a previously static to an engaged and active stance. Every brand asset—the sharp and dynamic logo, the bold palette, typography, and refreshed photography—is intended to inspire action. The communication is designed to hero the everyday man and supercharge every moment of his life. The focus of photography is on actual behaviour, including work, play, and all in between.

The Design

The on-product application of identity served as a marker of aspiration as well as a marker of trust. The identity is designed to be worn with pride and allows for expressive and playful adaptation on garments and as trims.

Packaging evolved into a key touchpoint for signalling the brand's refreshed stance and engaging the consumer in a more intimate setting with the evolved language of both brand and product.

Through a premium look and feel, the packaging design system was created to achieve high visibility in cluttered retail environments and to evoke desire and trust among shoppers. The brand font and graphics reinforces body confidence, while colour blocking and dynamic compositions bring the brand's active and bold stance to life.

Creative Gaga