Why You Should Make 'Quality' Your Signature?

We all look for it. From a product to a person, quality is what stands out. It's what is most desirable. "Design without quality is like mathematics without the number zero", believes Creative Director, Avi Sehmi. And its importance multiplies when you're starting up a design business. Here, he tells us how quality and other factors contribute to calculated growth of your business and you as a designer.
Why You Should Make 'Quality' Your Signature?

Achieve Quality And You Can Achieve Anything

For a design business, quality work always comes first and foremost followed by networking events and the word of mouth. To hook a new client, the best way to move forward is to sit with your team and whip together a solution based pitch deck, with a simple and consistent follow-up schedule. The rule is to not push too hard or you will push them off.

Practice Makes A Master

We're born with talent within us and inspirations around us. These vary from designer to designer. One may wish to portray an abstract world and the other might want to tell a story through accentuated body language and a surreal setting. But the question is, 'How do you do it?'.

Well, learning is a step by step journey. It's a constant dance of finessing the basics' the composition, the tone, the quality of light, the story etc. From Wacom & Adobe to Autodesk & Pixologic, digital design software and programs is where the magic lies. Master the magic, and there's no stopping you.

And of course, it's not just what's within the measures of your screen but also the giant world around you. Travel. Experience various cultures. Discover different designs and art forms. Whether it's African tribal art or the Bauhaus of Germany, notice the distinction, notice the similarities.

Remember, your mind makes connections that are unique to you and then you get to integrate that understanding and express that in a way that's true to you. The process is nowhere near complete as it's a lifelong mission to patiently work away at your craft.

Every Creative Mind Needs To Be A Technology Mind As Well

The design is solution based and with modern day analytics and AB testing, there are ways to measure engagement and success rates. Keeping up to date with the trends in technology and working on the way you see the world around you is not an option, but absolutely necessary. Art is open to opinion and one will always feel that there are better, worse, stranger, even cooler artists out there. In that space its better to see how others are applying the principles and techniques and apply that understanding on improving the expression of your vision. Remember, it's not a rat race but a lifelong process. Thinking otherwise will end up exhausting you too soon.

Never Forget To Work For Yourself Too

Over time, you will realize that it's not all about you and your ideas but rather about facilitating the thinking of the team, making them work cohesively and passionately, to come to the best solution. That is actual growth. With such growth comes pressure and responsibility; not only to handle a team but to also manage a client. To stay in touch with creativity and innovation, always present an alternate route to the client if you believe it adds value to them. That's another thing that often times, the client will stay bull headed in the pitch meeting. Some may appreciate the extra mile you walked, some may totally disregard the idea. Hence, it's always beneficial to have an outlet, like digital painting or music. It keeps you sane and creatively active. That's your space for unleashing ideas and experimenting.

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