Fascinated by Deelip Khomane's work, artist, Shinoj Padmanabhan believes there are millions of unique styles out there. So why not be open to everything?
Pushing his boundaries and not being limited to the size of his canvas, has led to exploring various styles, keeping his portfolio fluid and dynamic. Subject to his mood, his work uses anything from one to the innumerable amount of colours which is also based on characteristics and attributes of his project.
Watch out for his straightforward visuals, they turn into prominent complexities through layers of colours and silent backgrounds!
Individual renderings of two colleagues fused together to represent the next stage of their lives; a gift to two colleagues who got married.
Dashes of colour to the folk Hindu deity, Sree Muthappan make this rendering a modern vision of the age-old depictions of the God.
Adding his vivid style to a favorite look.