Emoting Through Caricatures

Siddhanth Sabikhi is a concept artist who enjoys capturing the essence of people through caricatures. As the popular quote goes 'Every artist has his own signature style'. So in his quest to find his style, he immerses in various art experiments, including hype-realism and impressionism. Through the exaggeration in his caricatures, Siddhanth tries to bring out the true character of his subjects.
Sanjay Mishra
Sanjay Mishra
Portrait Practice
Portrait Practice

Portrait Practice.

This artwork was a study from a photograph of Mathew Guido. This portrait is a result of a bold colour scheme and dynamic expressions.

Sanjay Mishra
Sanjay Mishra

Sanjay Mishra.

Comedians have a unique art to make people laugh, Siddhanth finds this commendable. This portrait of Sanjay Mishra is a tribute to his excellence in comedy, in spite of his trials and tribulations.

Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey.

Being inspired by Jim Carrey and his talent, Siddhanth created this work as a tribute. The portrait has exaggerated expressions with a glimmer of naughtiness in his eyes

Creative Gaga