Basic shapes turned into unique 3D designs of Nico Castro from Spain

Craft is something that designers are forgetting. Inspired by the look and feel of real shapes, creative designer and art director, Nico Castro from Spain, talks about his design process. Rendered with technology, he believes design can take on any form!
Basic shapes turned into unique 3D designs of Nico Castro from Spain

CG. Your designs pop out. Tell us what your design style is. What elements and factors do you incorporate to make your designs unique?

NC. I worked for many years in TV Branding, especially closely with 3D design and set design. To develop my work, I mostly use realistic textures as well as some handmade patterns to combine with 3D techniques.

CG. What are your inspirations? How easy or difficult is it to get clients and audience to understand your take on a design which appears to be very modern and contemporary?

NC. I see different things every day. I consider modern architecture and industrial design as a good reference to understand structure. I think contemporary art is very close to the new style. The clients of today are less literal and brands are exploring more abstract concepts.

CG. How does technology feature in your designs? How would you say globalisation has made it easy for you to reach out to the world from Spain?

NC. Some 3D Softwares are very useful and friendly to use. A lot of things are easier to create and experiment with. I think there is a very interesting wave of CGI artists and designers today. But I believe in the approach to combine these 3D techniques with the design.

CG. What Spanish flavours do you work within your designs? Your fascination with 3D, is that a coincidence or a signature?

NC. I think that I don't have any Spanish or Argentinian flavour in relation to my job. I work for clients around the world trying to fulfil their expectations, working on CGI and 3D.

CG. What's next for your illustrations and graphic design? Do you have another destination in mind?

NC. There are always new ideas in the mind and new challenges around. I'm never too sure of what the next step will be. I guess it's more about the journey than the destination.

Creative Gaga