Importance of the Story in Every Character!

Keya Mahata is an Indian artist trained in various forms of applied art. She specialises in character design and goes through her journey in the gaming industry.
Importance of the Story in Every Character!

Keya is an Indian artist who creates unique pieces of art through different mediums. She considers painting to be her purpose, passion and all her pieces of art are indicative of that. The colours that she uses for her paintings feel like a reflection of her colourful soul, inspired by rustic, rural backgrounds.

She began her journey into art at the tender age of 12, and her brother was the first to notice her talent and skill set. He pushed her to explore her creative side, while she enrolled in a fine arts college where she goes on to discover multiple facets of her passion.

Having graduated in applied art, she explored drawing, oil colour, and digital painting, while also beginning to work in gaming as a concept artist. She herself is inspired by the paintings of Karla Ortiz, Jason Seilor, and Tianhua Xuz, where she looks up to the fine quality of work that they provide.

She has worked on interesting projects for Zynga Games, Aristocrat Games, Googi Games, Dragon War Games, and Ubisoft Games. She feels more inclined to character designing where she feels that she can give a lot of texture and style to her work. Being fluent in realistic, semi-realistic, and cartoon styles, her defining factor is her working style. Her process involves the creation of a mood board first, and then she slowly moves on to exploring the basic shapes of drawing and then working out the colours.

She gives a lot of detail into the character design while looking out for the story, creating new styles, and adding more intricate work. Caricatures focus mostly on a character’s facial expressions, but with the whole design, the thinking of the designer changes. “Relatability is an important factor”, says Keya as she puts a lot of her skill in designing and colouring a character. She aspires for more and more people to relate to it.

On current trends, she feels that art is art first. One should look to explore their creativity with their art, practice, and hone their skills. Using softwares like Photoshop comes next, even though the digital world is changing so rapidly. She urges people to get the “art part” right, and you can achieve the outcome easily by using any of the zillion updating available tools.

Creative Gaga