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Google: A Collaboration of Music and Painting!

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Introduced in June 2021, Google's new tool - Paint with Music allows you to combine painting and music with just some brush strokes. Being the second experiment of Google with painting as the centrepiece, this new tool functions uniquely!

Paint with music, powered by Magenta's DDSP Library and aided by machine learning, turns the brush strokes into musical notes. Although your paintbrush is the main tool helping to make music you can play many instruments on the website or application as well. With just a little knowledge of music, you can make your Paint With Music experience easier.

The website gives you an option to select amongst a variety of sensory canvases; "in the sky," "underwater," "on the road," and "on paper."After selecting the canvas of your choice, select from the wide range of instruments, the one you want your brush to sound like. And once you start your experiment, on the stage canvas, machine learning (ML), and special sound effects come together to make your painting talk or produce music.

In comparison, Google AI'S Chimera Painter, which was launched in November 2020, Paint with Music is very different. Chimera Painter enabled users to create a fleshed-out creature based on a rough sketch and the tool added online features and textures and is primarily focused on the game developers.


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