Sona Paper - Calendar
Sona Paper - Calendar 

Daily Dose of Art

For a company to be successful, it is of utmost importance to reach out to ones’ clients in the simplest and easiest way possible.

Sona Paper - Calendar
Sona Paper - Calendar - June

For a paper company like Sona Signature Papers, to showcase the different types of creative papers they provide, it was an exceptionally smart idea to create their 2018-19 calendar not as a calendar, but as 365 different canvases, representing all the different paper varieties available! This calendar was called the “Daily Dose of Art” as it portrayed 365 exceptional works of art created by 365 young artists from all over India.

Sona Paper - Calendar - Feb
Sona Paper - Calendar - December

Every single day and date of this calendar is unique in itself as it has been customised by the artists in their own individual art styles. This calendar will make each day of the year colourful, bright and different as the art styles used are infinite. In fact it is not only limited to two-dimensional styles like charcoal, oil-painting, water-colours, pencil-art, typography, illustrations and graphic-art, but also includes three-dimensional, handcrafted and clay art.

Sona Paper - Calendar - Jan
Sona Paper - Calendar - July

A Mumbai-based advertisement and creative agency, 'The Social Street' was engaged in the creation of this calendar.

It is not only a portfolio of upcoming artists, but it also goes a long way in becoming a first-of-its-kind paper catalogue for Sona Papers to display some of the exclusive range of creative fine papers.

Sona Paper - Calendar - Nov
Sona Paper - Calendar - Oct

This calendar was first showcased in Bangalore in an event jointly organised by Sona Papers and HP India. Since the time of this calendar’s launch, it has been in the limelight and has been accredited with a silver and two bronze awards at Creative Abby Awards, a part of the GOAFEST 2018.

This 'Daily Dose of Art', not only helped Sona Papers to advertise their products in a beautiful manner but also made a statement through a piece of art

Sona Paper - Calendar - Sept
Sona Paper - Calendar - Aug


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