Look for the Story Behind Every Expression!

Look for the Story Behind Every Expression!

Every day, one encounters all sorts of people – happy, angry, sad. These emotions are all displayed on their expressions, which give birth to different stories. Therefore, it's the expression that's the starting point for character artist Manav Sachdev. From expression to stories, he reflects on his design tenets.

Silence Speaks a Thousand Words

Expressions, though a mute element, tells the complete story of a character. It holds in itself the complete ecosystem in which a character dwells. On gaming, one does have the opportunity to narrate and explain the character in motion. But on 2D medium, the expression of the character defines its persona. The body language, environment, costume and props of a character are all derived from the character. While the expression holds the key, every other element complements the authenticity of the character.

The Rules for Creating a Character are Variable

In the field of gaming, the character comes out of a strong script and they have certain attributes like age, weight, strength, power etc. attached to them. One also needs to keep the variable of animation in mind. Whereas creating characters for other mediums, one has the freedom of creating a certain expression and form of the character. Of course, research and allegiance to the script play a big part. But an artist has the freedom to imagine without thinking much about making it suitable for animation.

What You Observe is What You Create

There is an extensive amount of research that is required for character design. It is important to be observant of the world around which helps one to visualise and create characters. Realism plays an important role in character design. It's not about copying a character but observing it and then executing it in one's own way. Exaggeration is the next step. It depends on me how much one wants to imagine and also what the script demands. Across the process, one needs to have a strong visual sense to create an authentic yet imaginative character.

The Subject Chooses the Artist

Everything around an artist is a source of inspiration. It is the hunger of learning something new every day, to observe something new and to execute something new that keeps an artist going. It's a big world out there and we have a lot to learn. Let yourself loose in these inspirations. And before you realise, these inspirations will automatically push you into imagining and creating.

Creative Gaga