A good product is born when a designer learns to establish a perfect balance between technology and creativity. Since the very beginning of our education we have be tutored to do so. The biggest hurdle every product designer has to overcome is to follow the product design process while always being aware of the technology that could make it better.
Designs should serve the user's needs in the best possible way. That means being constantly aware of their needs and behavior and dedicating the smallest of all details in the product to them. One must remember that the recipe to any smart product lies in its technology as well as its aesthetics, and not merely making the product a visually alluring experience.
Products fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the user's self-expression.
A designer should concentrate on the simplicity, aesthetics, understandability, innovation and uniqueness in his/her products. To achieve a perfect blend of all of this is a challenge in itself. Also, the design should make an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. A good design is environmentally friendly and a good designer is one who always sticks to this principle.
Not a doubt that product design in India is developing rapidly, however, we tend to concentrate more on the tiny details of every product. We turn more towards the technical aspect of the product. Designers from the rest of the world work more intricately towards the aesthetic aspects of products.